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Modelling heat conduction in a reinforced concrete element and sensitivity study

J.M. Urgel, A. Cantizano, P. Ayala, C. Maluk

2nd International Fire Safety Symposium - IFireSS 2017, Nápoles (Italia). 07-09 junio 2017

The load-bearing performance of concrete structures during or after fire is directly influenced by its thermal response; i.e. temperature within the depth of concrete element being analyzed. Therefore, a sound understanding of both: thermal properties and thermal boundary conditions becomes key. However, the existing diversity, specially of the thermal boundary conditions, can yield significant disparity in the outputs of thermal analyses. The scope of the work presented herein studies the sensitivity of the structural fire performance of concrete structures, analyzing the influence of: (1) material thermal properties and (2) thermal boundary conditions. The subsequent analysis leads to the identification of model properties and conditions having a great or little relevance in the overall outcome of a thermal and mechanical analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements.

Fecha de publicación: 2017-06-07.

J.M. Urgel, A. Cantizano, P. Ayala, C. Maluk, Modelling heat conduction in a reinforced concrete element and sensitivity study, 2nd International Fire Safety Symposium - IFireSS 2017, Nápoles (Italia). 07-09 junio 2017.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Modelado numérico

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